TiDB LimitationsThis document describes the common usage limitations of TiDB, including the maximum identifier length and the maximum number of supported databases, tables, indexes, partitioned tables, and sequences.
Limitations on identifier lengthIdentifier type Maximum length (number of characters allowed) Database 64 Table 64 Column 64 Index 64 View 64 Sequence 64
Limitations on the total number of databases, tables, views, and connectionsIdentifier type Maximum number Databases unlimited Tables unlimited Views unlimited Connections unlimited
Limitations on a single databaseType Upper limit Tables unlimited
Limitations on a single tableType Upper limit (default value) Columns Defaults to 1017 and can be adjusted up to 4096 Indexes Defaults to 64 and can be adjusted up to 512 Rows unlimited Size unlimited Partitions 8192
Limitation on a single rowType Upper limit (default value) Size Defaults to 6 MiB and can be adjusted to 120 MiB
You can adjust the size limit via the txn-entry-size-limit
configuration item.
Limitation on a single columnType Upper limit (default value) Size Defaults to 6 MiB and can be adjusted to 120 MiB
You can adjust the size limit via the txn-entry-size-limit
configuration item.
Limitations on data typesType Upper limit CHAR 256 characters BINARY 256 characters VARBINARY 65535 characters VARCHAR 16383 characters TEXT Defaults to 6 MiB and can be adjusted to 120 MiB BLOB Defaults to 6 MiB and can be adjusted to 120 MiB
Limitations on SQL statementsType Upper limit The maximum number of SQL statements in a single transaction When the optimistic transaction is used and the transaction retry is enabled, the upper limit is 5000.
You can modify the limit via the stmt-count-limit
configuration item.
Limitations on TiKV versionIn your cluster, if the version of the TiDB component is v6.2.0 or later, the version of TiKV must be v6.2.0 or later.